Coaching women to move forward from doubt into daring.

I provide coaching to self-aware,  motivated women who want to move forward, and have a vision, but need support navigating through procrastination fueled by Self-doubt, second-guessing, and thought spinning that keeps them awake at night. 

You know what you want, it's your way of thinking that is getting in your way.

Gain Focus, Structure, Collaboration and Accountability.

Why coaching? Because not everyone needs psychotherapy but we can all use an advocate by our side to ask us the tough questions that we don't generally ask ourselves to start moving forward. 

Our coaching will be future-focused, targeting solutions, not problems.  I will ask you the kind of questions you aren't asking yourself and help you take action toward your goals. Our work will be action-focused, balanced between talk and tangible "takeaway" tools and techniques you can utilize after you leave our calls. By the end of our work, each session, you will feel empowered, confident, and capable.

I invite you to schedule a no-cost, 20-minute call as your first step to explore working together.