eCoaching ~ For The Writer in You

“Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a meditation, it’s the same thing. What’s important is you’re having a relationship with your mind.” – Natalie Goldberg

  Have you ever had so much you wanted to say until you couldn’t find the words? If you’re like me you’ve had countless experiences of going into a time-specific meeting (a meeting with your boss, a counseling appointment, a back-to-school meeting with your son’s teacher to name a few) with so much you wanted to say but couldn’t articulate it all, only to come away realizing what you wanted to say but didn’t. If you enjoy the process of writing and are most comfortable with doing so, you know the proven scientific benefits:
  • You have a better connection with your values, emotions, and goals
  • You improve your mental clarity and improve your overall focus.
  • you have a better connection with your values, emotions, and goals
  • You improve your insight and understanding behind those challenging thoughts that have kept you awake a night.
  • You are able to track your overall personal development and personal growth.
When talking doesn’t get to what you really want to say, this coaching process is just what the writer in you needs.
Here’s the process: ~  After our first initial one-on-one coaching consultation, we will in partnership, come up with your journal plan. At times this may be driven by a topic I assign you to get your thought  juices flowing, but I guarantee moving forward, week to week, what you write on will be a combination of what’s happening in life and most often, writing on the coaching feedback and thought-provoking questions that you’ve received from me from the prior week.  ~  We will work with structured writing assignments either through journaling or a targeted topic on an area that has been keeping you stuck and stagnant (1 journal assignment for 3 weeks). ~   Following a 48-hour business day turnaround, you will receive coaching through Joanne’s written and detailed coaching feedback, answering your questions, holding you accountable on agreed-upon action steps, asking you the powerful questions needed to move you from stuck to sure and secure and help you capitalize on your wins of the week. ~  Occasional weekly assignments and worksheets to maximize your learning. ~  1 (50-minute) private coaching call with Joanne any week you choose during the month, online via Zoom or phone where we tie all the coaching concepts and your work together. ~  Receive my Monday Morning Minute, providing a bite-sized shot of coaching and empowerment to start your week off~Private messaging with Joanne in between your calls.
I invite you to schedule a no-cost, 30-minute informational conversation with me to explore the benefits of working together and if this is the right fit for you.

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