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What Clients are Saying

I found Joanne at a point in my life where I was questioning career and personal support choices. She helped me tremendously by asking questions and modeling compassion. Her straightforward, easy approach allowed me to open up and examine my perfectionist tendencies...and most importantly start to let go of them. I greatly appreciate Joanne's ability to coach and challenge, while weaving in empathy and humor.

-Lillian W.

At my age of 60, self-doubt and perfectionism which I now know is my inner critic, has been a part of my life for years, although successful in my current career. Coaching with Joanne has positively enhanced my life. I feel more confident and at peace with who I am, understanding my strengths and contributions. Joanne adopted a program that fit my schedule. One of my biggest takeaways was getting reacquainted with what my core values are and who I am …<strong>and I like me!</strong> I feel I had and have a true partner who believes in me. Joanne is honest, compassionate, patient and a powerful listener.


"I have gained so much self awareness around what is preventing me from moving forward in building my business and doing what I really want to be doing. I can now go into work not hating my job because I realize that this does not serve me in any way. You helped me shift my thoughts to more neutral ones to steadily change my perception of how I view my current job. You also showed me how taking small baby steps will help me reach my goals in a way that will not trigger my self-sabotage habit. I also learned that I have the capacity to have anything I want simply by shifting my thoughts and looking for supporting evidence in my life. With your help, I feel more confident to move forward with my business by taking small baby steps. What I wasn't expecting from you was all of the solid business advice that you provided! Thank you so much for that."

Ylencia F. (California, USA)

"In the process of setting up my own coaching business, I approached Joanne to get more clarity on which particular target market to choose. I really liked working with her, as she encouraged me to "follow my passion". Joanne is a very good listener and at times I was very surprised about what she could "read" from my words and then mirror back to me.What helped me the most, was Joanne's reassurance and the thought-work we did around some doubts I still had in myself and which were stopping me from moving forward.So I am very thankful, that I could overcome these and am now ready to start my coaching practice.Another reason I was looking forward to our weekly coaching sessions was the fact, that they would motivate me to get "things done" and finish tasks like building my website or designing my business cards."

Sandra A. (Berlin, Germany)

"I had the pleasure of working with Joanne. During this time, Joanne's coaching was pivotal in my professional growth as she helped me to recognize and embrace my    strengths. This gave me the motivation and confidence to take chances in my career that I would not have done in the past. Joanne's has an innate ability to connect and will be your biggest advocate- this is invaluable. I highly recommend Joanne for anyone who in need of finding their inner voice and sense of self."

Jeanette V. (California, USA)

"To describe Joanne is to define motivation. Joanne has pushed me to stay focused on my goals, with her unmatched encouragement and belief in my success. Joanne sees limitless possibilities, where others I have worked with, saw closed doors. She has helped me even in the toughest situations, from career to relationships. Her ability to see numerous options and solutions to some of the most challenging and basic problems is unbelievable and she has shown me that I have that same ability within me. I say this because I am a licensed psychotherapist, and shouldn't I be the expert on this? Joanne is one I turned to when I didn't feel I had the answers. I couldn't see that I had them all along. Joanne encouraged and motivated me, she really was my accountability partner, showing me the thoughts I was choosing to create that kept me from the results I so badly wanted. With the hiring of Joanne as my coach, I was able to reinvent myself and realize I was always capable of having what I wanted, it was how I chose to think about myself that stood in the way. And through it all, we had fun doing it. I was able to step out of myself to advance my career and improve my family and friend relationships. I will be back for a refresher! With gratitude."

Meghan T. (California, USA)

"Joanne, I am very grateful for the time you've shared with me over the past couple of months. You've helped me to see the peacefulness I want includes a genuine routine of self care and self acceptance. I am creating and practicing some new thought habits that I believe in. I am ok just the way I am, I am my very best friend, and as such treat myself with gentleness,empathy, love, care and compassion. I am the author of my unique and remarkable life story.I am becoming a pro at aging and I consciously make the choice to think, feel and act with thoughtfulness, grace and peacefulness as I pursue my goals and live my life...and I am my very best friend, always.Thank you for your generosity of time and service. You have an uncanny ability to ask the perfect question - it becomes like that grain of sand in the oyster shell, and I have harvested some beautiful pearls of wisdom.Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement. You really are a venerable and very wise coach!"

Wendy M. (USA)

"Joanne is a kind, compassionate person to work with. She was always acknowledging of where I was - I never sensed a hint of judgement! Joanne created a space in which I could uncover some of what has been getting in the way of moving forward with my goals. In that space I was able to explore creative ways of releasing those blocks, as well as receive some really practical guidance. Having the sessions helped me keep my eye on the ball of my goal - I find that without making the space, it's too easy to get lost in the obstacles."

Vania P. (UK)

"I had the pleasure to work with Dr Joanne over the course of a couple of months.With her patient guidance, we have explored various topics such as setting up boundaries, following through on my actions as well as diving into goal settings.Dr. Joanne has made a very positive impact on my life choices - with her constant support, I have started taking persistent small actions that in the end, resulted into a very positive part of my everyday life.I am very grateful for Dr Joanne's coaching as it has created some wonderful opportunities in my life and I wholeheartedly recommend her services as she will literally transform your life!"

Vera C. (UK)

"Thanks for a beautiful coaching series, Joanne. You've been so supportive throughout and I've thoroughly enjoyed our sessions. The way you've shown me to work with thoughts and feelings has been enlightening and I now have a means to identify and change the patterns and create new results. I'm so appreciative, thank you!"

Gail S. (Australia)

"Joanne was a very thoughtful, skilled and gentle life coach. As I unravelled my narrative, she listened deeply and asked incisive questions to help me pick apart the stories and beliefs that were holding me back. By listening carefully and observing with me, she served as a partner in the process rather than just a guide.<br>Our Monday sessions became really meaningful for me for may reasons. For a long time I had sought a nonjudgmental space that would allow me to explore myself fully--both negative and positive facets--and also engage with a curious listener who could ask provocative questions. She offered this to me as a coach. Our sessions also provided a structure to my period of growth; I had a partner in the journey to be accountable to and that helped me stay committed to the weekly exercises and Model work.<br>My relationship with my mum has been a work in progress for some years (and we have grown together) but with the gentle suggestions you offered and the way you taught me to apply the model to our relationship, I was able to adopt new thoughts and and actions. And our relationship unfolded into a connection with greater depth, warmth, understanding and ease.<br>And finally, as someone who is recovering from depression after several years, Joanne helped me to make small and large changes in my thinking (and thus feeling, action and expected result). These changes helped something inside me crack open to be able to hope.<br>Thank you for your gentleness, frankness and investment in me. I so appreciate it!"

Shari G. (Bahamas)

"I reached out to Joanne to help me sort out some challenging emotions and beliefs. I was feeling so tired, overwhelmed and bogged down and felt like I could be headed into a dark place if I didn't address them with some coaching support. After our very first session, I felt some relief. I felt a renewed sense of possibility and a lightening of spirit. And after each session, that is how I continued to feel. Joanne offers practical ways of looking at things and really helps you get clear on what is causing you pain. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with her and I would recommend Joanne to anyone seeking support as you face and work through challenges in your life.You will be well cared for!"

Marike (Montréal, Canada)

My sessions with Joanne have been amazing. She has repeatedly shown me how a different way of thinking can totally change how I feel and therefore change my outlook on life and the actions I then take. The various tools she used to help me in this process have proved really effective and I can honestly say that there has been a profound change in me as a result of my sessions with her. In every session she enabled me to dig deep, look inside myself and dissolve the behaviours that were not serving me. She made me feel heard & seen without ever feeling judged. For anyone wanting to move their life forward I would recommend Joanne wholeheartedly."

Teresa (UK)

Nothing beats having someone help you sort through your mind with no other objective but to help you better yourself.  As a budding life coach, I thought I had myself pretty figured out…until Joanne began showing me things that I had never even considered.<br>I had always thought that my personality and my confidence were the same thing.  I thought my personality included being unconfident.  Joanne showed me that they are actually separate -- my personality is who I am, while confidence is how I think about who I am.<br>Mind blown!  It seemed so simple but I had never realized it for myself in that way.  Confidence or lack thereof is simply a way of thinking -- not something wrong with who I innately am.  That realization itself began to break apart all the stubborn life-long mental habits that I couldn't budge on my own.   And that was just one of the handful of epiphanies she guided me to through a month of coaching.<br>Joanne is patient, tuned in, and deeply understanding of the introverted personality.  She really helped me pinpoint the thoughts that were causing my insecurities, and worked with me to find new ways of approaching situations that I've struggled with.  While I didn't transform overnight -- deep inner work takes time!-- it's been a few months and so much has improved in the way I think about myself!<br>No matter how aware you are, it's incredible how a good coach can help uncover the deeper things within yourself that you are unable to see.  Joanne's clear perspective and kind guidance has really allowed me to approach life from a new place, and I am very grateful.

Tracy (Los Angeles, CA

I can’t thank you enough for your incredible support and insight, and all of the thoughtfulness and time that went into our coaching session. The day of our session I left feeling lighter, more relaxed and focused, and kind of like I discovered the best-kept secret in Pasadena!

Ken C. (Pasadena, CA)

I was coached by Joanne when I had been stuck for a while and could not find my way forward. It appeared inexplicable to me that I couldn’t make progress. Joanne’s gentle but firm and persistent inquiry took me from stagnation, through frustration, to break-through, as I had an insight that helped me to constructively take charge and move through the underlying cause of my being stuck. I warmly recommend Joanne to anyone who needs a loving but firm push to make a significant change in their life.

Veronika (Sweden)

Joanne is a skilled and compassionate coach. She holds sacred space and really 'sees' with accuracy and understanding all the thoughts, feelings and actions that prevent me from achieving my goals. Joanne excels at reminding me to celebrate my wins AND fails as both imply action towards the changes I'm intending. She's an excellent coach! 

Wendy M

I invite you to schedule a no-cost 20-minute coaching call, my gift to you!