Pillow Fight

I saw this picture of the kids having a pillow fight and just had to use it. 

How often is your heart and mind in a pillow fight with one another? The heart trying to raise its voice to send you messages of Self-Compassion, Empowerment, Self-support, Courage, and Confidence, shouting out at you that "YES, YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU SET YOUR MIND TO".

The heart speaks every day to you just as the mind does. Often either you aren't paying too much attention to what she's saying, or, if you choose to hear her at all, you decide not to trust her.   Then there's the mind if you don't set her straight, she invites you to complain about what's not working, what you aren't doing, that you aren't good enough, reminds you to judge yourself,  and puts you down.

Look at the picture above. Two children go at it, and then the parent (the adult), comes in and settles things down. The mind can be like a child. It needs supervision. 

When you let the mind know that you are on to her and put boundaries around what is acceptable thinking, it will listen to you.  It will be settled. If you are consistent with calling her out and reminding her of how you would rather think instead, over time, she'll get the message, and the old thoughts will change. You are creating a new normal. 

Just as you taught your children a better habit, a better way of showing up in their lives, just as you have taken up a new habit, maybe through nutrition or exercise, or a new career that serves you better in the long run, you can train your brain to think differently (about YOU). 

Today, supervise the mind a bit more and press the volume button up a notch to listen to your heart. W

Why step into coaching? Because not everyone needs psychotherapy. 

I have 20 minutes for you (on me) to experience working together:
