Do More Mistakes and Take More Missteps

Yes Please - I'll Take 1 Misstep

What's your relationship with a misstep? I remember deciding to finally try one of the many recipes that I have saved from my Foodie magazines. I bought all the ingredients, spent time prepping and followed the instructions to the tee. The dish smelled and looked glorious and I couldn't wait to dig into it. With a fork in hand, I took a spoonful - thankfully I had a big glass of water nearby as it was as if I swallowed half a salt shaker mixed with half a bottle of red hot chili peppers.  It took me several misstep attempts (6 in all) to switch out the measurements until it was how I liked it. I chose to have a mindset and still do especially in cooking, as seeing things that don't go as planned as a form of practicing, perfecting my skill and craft as a cook. Can you have success without having failed somewhere along the road?

What's the "Why"?

Have you ever asked yourself the "why" behind the reason you may stop yourself from starting anything, from stepping into what you really are passionate about doing, from getting out there to create what you want and going after it, all because you may not get it right? Why have you chosen to believe that failure, a mistake, a misstep, is the other end of success? Could failing and not getting it right help you get one step closer to what you do want and toward what you have set out to do? It's time to ask yourself why you choose to empower the word failure instead of empowering yourself. Today you are old enough to start redefining what words mean to you versus what someone may have told you. Or believing the story you tell yourself about what failure is. Taking on someone else's belief system and allowing it to disempower you is the real defeat here. The only way you can ultimately succeed is to fail. To have that misstep. Many career women that I coach are asked to think about the following:

What's Your Definition of Failure? You Decide

What's your definition of failure? Maybe today is the day to revisit it and redefine it. To decide ahead of time the choice to have a different relationship with that misstep when it comes? Can you see failure in a different way? Without failing you won't know what to do differently. And after all, wouldn't you like to know what NOT to do when the "next time" appears? So START FAILING. Start not getting it right. Embrace your misstep every single day until you figure out your road to success until your recipe is just good enough. Because YOU are already good enough. If you are stuck in the fear of failure or how to redefine failure, mistakes or not being "perfect", I've got 30-minutes to experience what being coached is all about, just for you. On the call we will:

    • Help you get started on tackling a challenge you are dealing with;
    • Discuss the benefits of entering into a coaching partnership, and
    • You will walk away with at least 1 coaching tool and strategy that you can immediately put into action!

Schedule an Appointment

Decide ahead of time that loving yourself is non-negotiable.