The street that I live on is connected to the main road that is beautifully lined with Jacaranda Trees. I take this road every day, but somehow, only today, noticed that all the Jacaranda trees were lit up with their vibrant purple flowers, their hint of sweetness waffling in the breezy air. The Jacaranda, native to subtropical regions of Mexico, the Central and South Americas, the Bahamas and Jamaica, grow amongst shade, is drought tolerant and bloom once a year. In Southern California their bloom period is very brief, usually starting in April, lasting through the end of May.
Around this time in May when I notice the vibrancy of the Jacaranda start to fade with more blooms on the street than on their branches that I find myself thinking what a shame I hadn't noticed their appearance sooner rather than later.
Today I challenge you to think in what ways you are hiding in the shade of your vibrancy? Are you drought tolerant in not allowing yourself to drink in your beauty? Your awesomeness? Can you recognize and take in the sweet smell of success that all your baby steps have brought to you? And unlike the Jacaranda and the rule of nature, you are not limited to showing your beauty but once a year.
Today I challenge you to listen to the voice within you. No, not that critical one you are so used to hearing, but the other voice of wisdom, self-compassion and of empowerment.
Start your Monday with a new mantra.
I am in bloom today and choose for today, not to hide behind the shade of my inner critic and will proudly step into the sunshine. I am capable, competent and good enough just as I am.
P.S. -
I am adding another Chapter 2 Coaching Group, one on-line and one, in-office. Are you coming?