Deliberate Thinking
For many of us, Monday seems to come around all too quickly and it sets the tone for the rest of our week. What is on your day planner? Anything you particularly would rather not deal with? A meeting you wish you could skip out...
But It Hurts!
I talk a lot about feelings. Feelings drive our action (or inaction) that leads to our results. True confession time. I used to eat a bag of Hershey's Kisses (in one sitting). If you know me, you know I have always been a gym goer...
Afraid of Failure? Here's Advice on Coping with Failure
Fear of failure causes us to put the brakes on our life. When we’re so afraid of failing at something, we either don’t try at all, or we subconsciously undermine our own efforts to avoid an even bigger failure. Without question, fear of failure is...