FEAR - What Have You Gotten Me?
Marriage proposal. Dating. Being alone. Airplanes. Relocation. Loss. 3rd career. Getting old. Making a decision. Readiness. Money. Divorce. Growing my hair out. Conversation with my father. Selling my home. Commitment. Conflict. A Dog. Public speaking. Being not good enough. Death. There's so much talk these...
What Do Your Thoughts and a Salad Have in Common?
A show of hands if you've found yourself in a similar situation: You are out with your family or friends at your go-to favorite restaurant. You sit down and proclaim to all who is with you, "I'm going to order something I've not ordered here...
How To Stop Beating Yourself Up
When was the last time you heard from your inner critic? You know, that voice in your head that constantly judges you, puts you down and compares you to others. The one that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough and says things...